Tag Archives: Love

On the Waters

I was thinking about The Spirit of God moving upon the face of the waters. Think of Him, hovering all around that sphere we call Earth.

Has it occurred to anyone that this is a “pre-echo” “prophesying” that Christ would walk on the water?

And I thought about God, The Spirit, wrapping the world in Love, for He is pure love. And I thought “How did he feel, knowing that the lovely world he was making would fall and reject Him?” Of course He also knew that in the world, some of the people He would make in His image, with free will as He has free will, will freely choose Him (yes I did change tense there).

He had, and has hope that His world, made in love, will return that love. He feels hope. His hope is in us. Our hope is in Him. He wrapped the world in His pure love, our Father’s embrace.

Love is stronger than death

God is love.
1 John 4:8
God is everywhere.
Jeremiah 23:24
God holds the universe together – every atom, electron, fabric of time and space, dimension, law of physics. By Him all things consist.
Colossians 1:17
The love which is God is the primary force which holds everything in existence.
This is literal truth.

God loves the world. God so loved the world that He gave His only Son.
John 3:16
God loves not just the people in the world but the whole created universe, the Earth Moon Stars Animals Trees etc. He loves it all.
His love keeps it together.
Adam chose to eat the fruit that would lead to death rather than part from Eve. Love was stronger than death.
Genesis 3:6
God knew this would happen.

Abraham loved God so much he was willing to sacrifice his son to God but love was stronger than death and so he did not have to.
Genesis 22:1-13
God in return loved the world so much that He gave his only Son Jesus on the cross.
But love is stronger than death, and death could not hold Jesus.
Acts 2:24

Yesterday I saw a beautiful sight in McDonalds.
There was a young couple, about 18 years old. He looked a rough tough working class guy a bit of a thug maybe even. She was no classical beauty, but cute in an ugly-cute kinda way. They were fawning over each other, looking gooeyly into each others eyes and hugging inseparably as they waited for their burgers.
In the other line were the parents of one of them, also hugging and kissing inseperably.
All normal heterosexual good love, the way God made us.
They may not have been saved Christians – who knows. They may not be married – who knows. It was nevertheless refreshing to see that normal attraction has not been supplanted everwhere by the perverse abnormal versions that the New World Order is promoting so heavily.

To be a normal heterosexual Christian is becoming increasingly rebellious.
Try and not sell a wedding cake promoting homosexuality if you are a Christian cake shop in British Northern Ireland and you will see.
Tell your moslem friend about Jesus if you work for the British NHS (National Health Service) and see if you would keep your job.
Ever was it so, to be a Christian was to be a rebel.

Real Christians throughout history have been an underground persecuted minority, from the secret arrangements to meet described in the Bible onwards, forced to meet in secret, use secret symbols like the fish graffiti and the hidden cross in the trident symbol, or use the crossed fingers fish tail sign to recognise each other.

Christians have been killed for their love of God throughout history to the present day.
To truly follow Jesus and to live a Christian normal life and to proclaim it and spread the word is rebellion against the fallen world and against the evil that wants to run this world and to draw people away from God to jealous Satan’s death trap.

I have always had a rebel heart, and it led me a long long way from where God wanted me to be. However when I was in Spain, spotting the graffitis of the Christian rebellion, ichthuses and the combined venus and mars symbols that proclaim heterosexuality,  was part of my being called to join Jesus’s rebellion against the wrong living that has taken hold in the world, and instead of following the world, for me to follow Him.


When God finally wraps up this world it will be dramatic and terrible in a way beyond imagination: wars, earthquakes, tyranny, persecution and eventually the very fabric of space will roll up like a scroll, crushing into nothing like the other dimensions that physics admits are curled up tiny already.
Isaiah 34:4
Revelation 6:14

But this will not be done by God out of hatred. Despite it seeming horrible, ending this world will be an act of love, like euthanizing a loved animal rather than see it suffer, and He has the upgrade ready for us to live in, a new Heaven and a new Earth, where there is no death.
Revelation 21:1-4

Love is stronger than death.
Join the rebellion, be on the winning side, fight with The Prince Of Peace.

The Lord of the dance was at my wedding.

Another interesting but short-lived blog. At best that may well be what some of my readers may have thought when I stopped writing this blog two or three months ago. Well real life got busy.

I met the girl I love 39 years ago. She was the first girl I ever kissed when I was 16, We lasted a day, I spent the next 38 years regretting how we broke up and wishing I had married her. I don’t know how many times ovrr those years I cried actual tears.

I went off and lived a life that was all the things a Christian should not be. Use your imagination. Wrong sex, the occult, wrong religion, cars, motorbikes, some violence and drink, lots of diverse and very bad company and quite a lot of different chemicals too – I was a bad boy and I was good at it. I have had some incredible adventures in quite a lot of countries, meeting the highest and lowest, seeing the world in it’s lightest and darkest.

Don’t think this stopped me having three good suit-wearing responsible careers either. But nothing satisfied.

About 5 years ago something inside me snapped. I just walked out of my house and headed for town. I needed something but I didn’t know what. An unsuitable friend had once said he has a social life plan B and that it was dancing. Proper dancing not nightclubs.

I remembered his words and that night by a strange route I ended up at a peculiar tango dancing lesson which was taking place in a shop window as people walked past watching. It was interesting and exotic enough for my jaded personality and I went to tangos every week for four years.

Tango people were funky and intelligent, and dancing with pretty women of all ages but without any sexual agenda was what I needed to lead me away from the darkness toward the light. Even after a couple of months dancing I had changed deeply. My tango teacher had said at the very first lesson to “Beware because tango changes you.” God has a sense of humour and there are no coincidences – as we know as Christians, no such thing as luck – the name of that tango class is “Tango Serendipity.”

In that first two months I changed so much that I said goodbye to my old life. People who I had known couldn’t understand and I couldn’t explain because I didn’t know the reason either. I didn’t know it was God yet. He had me on his fishing line and was gently pulling me away from the dark to the light so subtly I didn’t know it.

Like an object falling, the change got faster and faster. It became exhilarating. One night what I now know was the Holy Spirit came upon me as I was driving home. All those things people say about it feeling like electricity and things, yes but you can’t really describe it.

I searched for answers. I didn’t know it was God yet. I went online to try to find people I could talk to who had the same experience of change. I wanted to avoid the corruption and bad places on the internet and I found a little chat room full of Christians where I felt there would be nothing nasty and I could talk honestly. I was not yet  knowingly a Christian but God had put me where I could learn what had happened to me and who had done it. I went there many times for a few months and chatted with some lovely people. In the end I had exhausted all other possibilities, just as my old life had tried everything except the right thing. I knew there was no other possible explanation. It was God that had changed me. I finally knew.

A few months later God arranged I should “coincidentally” have opportunity to meet the girl I had loved lost and missed all those many years ago. She had been a Born Again Christian for around 30 years. There are no coincidences. I asked her to the tango dance. I was born again, she prayed with me. We got engaged, we did it properly, I had a wonderful baptism we went to our wedding pure. In our church this last year I have so many new lovely friends. The first time I walked in there with the lady who was to become my wife I felt I had come home. One if my favourite songs now us “Come Home” by Johnny Cash.

A few weeks after that first Sunday, up on stage in that church. I gave testimony of who and what I had been and how Jesus had saved me, not because I had asked, known, or earned it, but because of His Grace and Love. I asked my love up onto the stage and proposed to her.

A year later, six weeks ago, we were married. It was a fabulous wedding with all our friends andvfsmilies. Our first dance was a of course a tango.

Jesus likes weddings. His first public miracle was at Cana. He certainly arranged my wedding! He invites everyone to His – the Church is His Bride.

So that’s why you haven’t heard from me a few weeks. I’ve been getting married, going on honeymoon to Scotland, moving house and settling in with the girl I loved all my life. Thank you Jesus my beautiful lovely friend, what words can I say…

Dance dance wherever you may be, for I am the Lord of the dance says He, and I’ll lead you all wherever you may be, I’ll lead you all in the dance says He.


Can you feel the force?

Colossians 1:17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

I believe love is a force. Like the strong nuclear force or electromagnetism. I think there is more to love than the emotion, the good intent, the empathy we as humans feel. I think what we feel is like what God feels/produces. As we are made in His image I think we can feel it although of course He feels it so much more. I think God IS love, that ultimate force by which all things consist.

Being before all things I think means He existed before anything we would recognise as a universe. That by Him all things consist means that it is His continuing will that holds the universe in existence – His force, His will, which I believe is manifest in a physical force which creates and effects aspects of all matter and energy that exist in some of the ten or eleven dimensions we don’t normally perceive.

An aspect of us that is fundamental to us (in my opinion) that I think exists in those usually unperceived dimensions is our souls. I think the force of love can be accessed by us, working through our souls, through faith His grace giving us the permission to work in those dimensions through Him. I think that’s how faith moves mountains and other miracles happen.

So I don’t think miracles and souls are incomprehensible crazy notions produced by unscientific and gullible illogical minds as perhaps some militant atheists might assert. I think God created a complex physical universe that we don’t yet understand but a lot of it, including souls and miracles and a force called love are neither crazy notions nor beyond some measure of grasp of scientific understanding.

Many insights into the physics of reality can be gleaned by study of the Bible. It truly is His work and He has put it here to help and guide us in all things, including science.